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Ooredoo is a leading international communications company, with a rewards programme called Nojoom. Nojoom rewards customer every time they use Ooredoo services.


Ooredoo wanted to get more customers to use their services, with a fun game they can play on their phone, to collect free StarGo rewards.


StarGo is an augmented reality (AR) application, enabling gamers to play for Nojoom points and other freebies. Gamers walk through Kuwait City and search for ‘stars’ using a map located within the game app, to win free rewards. The further they progress through the city, the more stars they can collect. They can also collect star bits and star dust or send ‘scavengers’ to find them for them, create their own in-game avatar and present themselves in different ways, and invite friends to be star-gatherers too so they work as a team. If they don’t have time to do this themselves, they can ‘buy’ gatherers and send them to explore the map on their behalf.

The sponsors of Ooredoo are also featured in the city map.


Game engine: Unity

Frameworks and libraries: Vuforia

Backend: Entity Framework 6.1 Code First, Web Api 2.0, Autofac, Auto Mapper, Swagger, AngularJS 4, Windows Azure Storage,

Language: C#, Typescript

IDE: Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code

Other tools: Git, Jenkins, HockeyApp, OpenStreetMap